Define Group Roles and Responsibilities

4 Tips for Better Team Collaboration

No one knows everything. Even the most expert professionals have to rely on others for help at some point. The same is true when working in a team -collaborating with others is essential for success. In this blog post, we will provide tips and resources on how to collaborate better as a team and introduce you to Teamicate- our team scheduling platform that can make team collaboration easier than ever!

Tip #1: Define team roles and responsibilities

The first step to better team collaboration is establishing defined roles and responsibilities for each member. This will help ensure that everyone knows their part in the project and avoids overlaps or confusion. Take a team assignment and divvy who will be responsible for each portion of the project. You can even upload the document in a shared space and make notes so a team member can reference who is doing what at any given time.

Tip #2: Estimate how much time each portion of the project will take.

Group members are often busy, and it’s important to understand how long each project section will take. This is where time management comes in. Decide how long each task will take and decide as a team on the deadlines for each portion.  By deciding on deadlines, your team can make sure each piece is completed on time and in cadence with completing the assignment.

Tip # 3:  Set team norms

Each team must establish guidelines for how they will work together. This includes communication protocols, meeting times, and team rules. Each person may have a preferred communication method or use different software services than the others. It will be critical to iron out these details so that these small items don’t hinder the team’s productivity.

Setting these expectations will help the team stay responsible for each other to follow all the protocols.

Tip #4: Use Teamicate.

Teamicate is the perfect tool to help with team collaboration. With our features, you can sync up (Google, Outlook, and Apple) calendars all in one place and use the Auto-pick feature to automate your scheduling with 1-click. Set a time range when a meeting should happen, and Teamicate made scheduling easy for you and your teammates. It works well even when they are not on Teamicate. Simply share the event link. 

By using Teamicate, you avoid the hassle of trying to check schedules and circling back to different available dates. Your teams send in their availability, and Teamicate does the rest. It decides which time and date work the best for everyone.

There are many other tips for team collaboration, but these are a few basic ones we have used for all sorts of teams, especially team projects in graduate school settings.

If you have any tips or resources that help team collaboration, please share them in the comments below.

We would love to hear from you! And finally, if you are looking for a team collaboration tool, check out our app, Teamicate! It is currently being developed and tested. Become an early adopter by entering your email address.


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